I have recently spent a week in Abadiania, Goias, Brazil with and around John of God at the Casa de Dom Inácio de Loyola.
João de Deus (John of God) is a medium who channels a multitude of dis-incarnate beings who used to be healers during their life on this Earth. Some of those include St. Ignatius Loyola, Dr. Oswaldo Cruz, Dr. Augusto de Almeida, Dr. Jose Valdivino, a many others. Apparently even King Solomon comes in at times.
3 days a week, twice a day he surrenders his body to one of the entities who takes over and performs all the diagnosis and healing activities, with many other entities supporting the process. He sees about 1000 people daily.
There is a lot of skepticism about this place and his work on the Internet, and being a skeptic myself I decided to spend some time here, since I was already in Brazil.
Since I have been working with energy through yoga for many years it’s relatively easy for me to tell when I’m in an energetically powerful place. Let me tell you – this is an amazingly powerful place. I’d recommend anybody who likes working with energy to visit here.
All I needed to do is to go the area of the Casa and it hit me as soon as I sat down and relaxed. I have been only to a few places where the energy was that powerful. It seems that entities roam that whole area day and night, and you just need to be willing to receive and ideally not be in your head.
The majority of the time I felt a huge opening in the heart chakra, and also a lot of 3rd-eye and crown chakra openings. Again, nothing needs to be done, just entering the area and relaxing to receive. The entities do all the work. It’s all pure Jesus and Mary energy, before Christianity became an institution. Love, faith and charity are the three sides of the triangle, which is the main symbol of this work.
They call it a spiritual hospital. Most people are their own quiet space, there is little chatting or celebration going on. And most people wear white.
Table of Contents
Psychic Surgery (Intervention)
You don’t have to be physically sick to benefit from coming here. Any requests are welcome by healing entities – from healing your body to manifesting $$ to spiritual realization. For some people the requests are fulfilled quickly, for others it could take time. This work is all about healing your soul, therefore it could be a slow process before the physical body/material reality changes for you. It’s very different from conventional medicine where you get fixed on the physical level without even attempting to look at how did the illness serve your soul.
Surprisingly the entities seems to understand only Portuguese when they embody John of God. Therefore you need to translate your wishes before you line to meet with John of God. You can ask for a translation at the reception room, across from the cafeteria. In addition to translating they are going to reduce your potentially long requests into 2-3 words, since you will not have time to read more than that when you meet John of God. When your turn comes you can ask for help and someone will read for you the wishes written in Portuguese.
The first time you come here you go through the 1st time queue and you get diagnosed by the entity. It often takes literally 1 second. And immediately you get either an invitation to come back for a intervention (psychic surgery) or to start a protocol of 2 months of herbs. Sometimes you get an instruction to visit a special waterfall, or to get a massage or to have a crystal bed session.
When you’re prescribed a psychic surgery, you can choose to replace it with physical surgery where John of God will actually take a knife or forceps and do something to your body, without any anesthesia, but apparently without any pain to you. Most people choose the psychic version where the work is done on the subtle body, but there are reports of people who did X-Rays after returning home and finding stitches in their body even though their body wasn’t cut open.
If you are not prescribed an intervention you can still volunteer to receive one.
Once you receive an intervention there is a complicated protocol of must dos and must not dos. It includes a special diet (no alcohol, fertilized eggs and any kind of pepper) and also no sexual activities for 40 days for the first intervention and 8 days for any subsequent ones. And there are other rules for the first few days right after the intervention, such as not being in direct sun, not lifting anything heavy, and some other of a similar kind. Talking to people here, I learned that breaking the protocol could have dare consequences – with all kinds of problems ensuing. It’s a powerful energy work, so a strong interference can have a very negative impact. The fact that you don’t see stitches and bandages doesn’t mean that they are no there, just on the subtle level. You won’t go for a run after a conventional surgery, would you?
On the 8th day after the intervention, or any time later (even years) you need to come a revision, for the entities to check on the progress, just like you’d do in a normal hospital after a conventional surgery. If you are not here, you can do it any time in the future.
Every session there are several different line ups:
- 1st time – for those coming for the first time and whose photos were never submitted to the entities
- 2nd time – for those coming for the 2+ time – i.e. 2nd, 3rd, 5th, or 100th time
- revision – for those who received intervention 8 days ago or longer
- intervention – those who were scheduled for intervention. those with 2nd time line can always volunteer to go for an intervention
To get into most lines except intervention you need to get a free ticket at the book shop (there is only one shop on the premises).
The intervention line is always called first. Then any other line can be called at any order – entities choose the order as things progress, so you need to listen to announcements.
There is no need to rush to get in line. Everybody is received, so you can always wait sitting and join the line when it comes to an end.
If you get confused go to the front of the line and ask for help.
Current Room
Most people who spend more than one day here end up spending time in the current room. This room is where all the healing happens, and it requires a strong energy field to cleanse and support the people who come in for the healing. There is usually about 100 people sit there to support the process. It involves a very strong energy field, where each sitter helps to hold the space, but also receives a lot of support and energy from the entities. The only difficult part about it, is that each session takes about 4-5 hours, especially in morning. So if you do 2 sessions it’s about 9 hours of sitting on a bench with little padding and you are not allowed to cross arms and legs, so for us yogis it’s quite an uncomfortable position. It’s recommended to bring extra padding for the back and the buttocks.
On the other hand I found to be well support by the entities so I managed to do several 9 hour days and it was a very powerful experience. There is no way I could have done that much sitting on my own without the support.
There are actually 3 sections of the room, with first section for beginners where a lot of inspirational talk is given all the time (called medium room). The second main section is where the readings are done (entities room) and this is where most people sit and there is no inspiration talk here. And finally there is the intervention room for advanced current sitters where the interventions happen.
There are other mediums sitting in the room supporting the process.
However on the very first day I waited for my time to go see John of God for the first time for some 4-5 hours outside the current room and I found the energy out there to be just as powerful. I felt like the entities were working on me for all those hours. I felt being “stoned” and in a deep (alpha) state of relaxation – I was glad that I had all this time wait. The bottom line you get worked on in and out of the current room, you just need to be willing to receive.
You can come sit in the current as soon as you had your first meeting with the entities. First you will sit in the 1st section of the room, and then later you can ask for a permission to sit in the 2nd section.
After each morning session there is a blessed soup – very tasty and nurturing.
Crystal beds – you can get up to 3 sessions of crystal bed sessions each day. I found those to be very powerful experiences. They are basically 7 crystals mounted on a frame and pointing to each of your chakras, and colors blinking through each of the crystals (the new age rainbow color correspondence) . I could feel very easily each chakra vibrating and being gently fed by this device. You book a session in the bookshop. You can buy your own device to take home (it costs around USD$3,500) and you need to get a permission from the entities to buy it.
Sacred waterfall is another highlight. There is a whole bunch of rules around this one, one being that you can’t go there unless you have a permission from the entities, but which are easy to get. Just ask someone of the staff to get it for you. The rest of the rules are posted all over the Casa, and right before the waterfall. Make sure to read those. It’s about 15 min walk to get to it, or you can get a taxi (R$20 return). There is a dirt road that starts behind the book/crystal shop. The waterfall can be a very powerful experience as well. The water is very refreshing and also very good for raising the spirits. You take 2 dips in it, each for a few seconds – the first one is for cleansing, the second one is for charging your energetic body.
There is a small garden and a nice viewpoint place with benches to relax and meditate on. The views from the casa are quite expansive and inspiring. Sunsets are quite spectacular.
Each day at 7pm there is a rosary prayer if you’re into it.
Sunday at 9pm there is singing mixed with an inspiration talk.
There are 2 official shops loaded with amazing crystals and other goodies. Surprisingly they are not very expensive. There are other shops in town, but only at the 2 authorized shops all merchandise is blessed by entities. It means that any object that you buy can be used as a portal to Casa from anywhere in the world. This allows you to make requests to the entities while you are not here. You just need to write your full name, birthdate, the full address of where you are in the world and then write whatever you want to ask for and place the paper under that bless object.
Blessed water is recommended to drink here – it costs the same as any other water, so there is nothing to lose doing that. 1.5L bottles are the most cost effective (R$3 per bottle as of this writing). It’s a vibrational medicine, so you can take a bottle home and stretch for a really long time by mixing it with normal water back home. Except don’t take it with you in the carry on luggage as they will force you to dump it.
Probably the main difficulty here is the language. Almost everything is done in Brazilian Portuguese and most Brazilians that I have met speak little or no English at all. The essentials are translated so you will know what to do, but you will be missing on most of the inspirational bits. Learning even a little of Portuguese before coming here will go a long way. I am glad I took the time to study a bit and it has been extremely helpful. But of course if you don’t speak any, you will be just fine without it in and around the Casa – there is always someone who might speak some English here. Many people come here with a group guide, there are many websites out there offering this service. If you do that you guide will take care of you. This write up is for the daring solo adventurers.
The other difficulty is the good old “people inventing rules” – you might need to ask around a few times to get clarity around what you need to do and what not to do. The shop and most pousadas have a very good long guide about how things work here. You will need about 1 hour or so to read through it. It’s written in several languages. I recommend reading it a few times to really get things clear. It can be quite overwhelming the first time you read all the rules. There are also quite a few books written about John of God and how things work here. You can find them on amazon and of course in the book shop at the Casa.
The main hall could use some more organization – most new people coming to the place on their own for the first time run around like chicken trying to figure out what to do (I was one of those headless chickens). Typically you just sit and wait until your line is called (first time line if you have never been here before). Try to sit close to the overhead speakers, since at times it’s very difficult to hear the announcements.
Remote Healing
While it’s the best to come here in person, you could also take with you photos of others who couldn’t come. I recommend you print those before coming here, as there is only one Internet cafe and their charge $3 for a single printed page!
On the other side of the photo you write the person’s full name, full birth date, the full address of where they will be located when you pass the photograph and 3 wishes, which can be of any of the following: physical, spiritual, emotional, material nature. For this situation the information can be written in any language and can be as long as you want it to be.
You can then take those photos to John of God in person, but usually you don’t want to waste your time on that and instead doing the spiritual practice in the current room or taking care of your own needs. The best way to handle that is to go to the Reception and ask someone there to take the photos on your behalf. At the end of the session they will be returned to you – most likely with a piece of paper stapled to the photo with some squiggles on it, which means you need to take those photos to the pharmacy and they will sell you one bottle of 2-months worth of passion fruit pills, which you need to mail or give to the person on the photo. And tell them about the special diet during those 2 months (no alcohol, fertilized eggs and any kind of pepper).
Rarely the photo you sent to John of God will be not returned to you. That means that entities chose to work directly on the person on that photo and they won’t need to take any pills or follow any protocols.
It’s important that before you take any photos, you check in with the person on the photo that they actually want the healing and that they are willing to follow through with protocol.
There is also an option to write a request to the entities without the photo, you still write all the same information as is with the photo, but you don’t submit it to John of God directly. Instead you either put it in the large triangle on the main stage or into a special box next to the Reception. You never get those notes back. Who knows what happens to those requests, other than that they are received by the entities – but you have nothing to lose by asking. Ask, and it’s given.
If you’re curious – it’s very easy to get here – fly to Brasilia, Brazil and then take a 1.5h taxi to Abadiania. Your pousada (hotel) can prebook your taxi so that you will be met at the airport. Prices always go up. I paid R$160 in Sep 2016 for a one way ride. The price is for the whole taxi so if you several people it’s less per person.
The main work is done on Wed, Thu, Fri. Morning session starts around 8am, but it’s recommended to be there around 7am. Afternoon session starts at around 2pm, but again it’s better to come around 1pm. Later you can figure out more efficient times to come.
In order to get to know the place and feel comfortable on the first day it’s probably a good idea to arrive here on Mon or Tue and explore the area. You can sit and meditate in the garden, do crystal bed sessions and even visit the waterfall if you get a permission from the reception.
On Tue at 5pm there is a very useful meeting for newbies where all the steps are explained and all questions are answered. This session is in English.
You might want to plan to stay here for another day or two after Friday in case you need to rest or just enjoy the quiet time once the madness of 3 intense days is over. Remember, there are about 1000 people passing through the Casa on each of those 3 days.
All the work here is free. You only need to pay for the passion fruit pills if you get prescribed those, which are about $15 for 2 months worth of pills. And crystal be sessions are about $6 for 20 min.
Money: Most shops and pousadas (hotels) accept credit cards, some restaurants do. There is one ATM close to the Casa – at San Raphael hotel. The withdrawal fee is R$24 as of this writing (seems to be the same including the airport). But beware that in busy weeks the ATM may run out of cash. Some shops give a discount for cash payments.
The place is very quiet with inexpensive simple places to stay and decent food. But also there are higher price places too.
I stayed at Pousada Furlan which was simple and inexpensive (R$80 for a single person room plus breakfast). I was satisfied to stay here, but there are many other lodging options all within 5-10 minutes walking distance from the Casa. I preferred staying off the main road since it was so quiet there and no pedestrian or car traffic.
Food is very nice here – Frutti’s and Cafe Central are very nice. Frutti’s has a specially good service speed-wise. I ate most of my meals there. Their traditional Acai shakes are to die for.
I am certainly going to come back and spend longer time here. One needs at least a few weeks to go deeper, but even one week (me) has been amazing.
Tags: healing, psychic surgery
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